Saturday, November 30, 2019

Choices That Shaped My Path In Life
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Team Building What?
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Saturday, August 17, 2019

You, On Motivation Steroids…
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Be Accessible And Real

Visit: Connect with me on Facebook: Be Accessible and Real I see many people out there, trying to create an online business by hiding behind landing pages , auto responders , blog posts , etc... That is NOT the way it should be & the ones who are following this strategy will probably fail eventually or not reach their maximum potential. Visit: Because : * people want to talk with REAL people * people want to buy from REAL people * people want to bond with REAL people & stories * people trust YOU and not the product The product is irrelevant, most of the times... YOU NEED to follow the right strategy & the correct path we've created FOR YOU. You just watched, Be Accessible and Real Visit :

Learn To Be Adjustable & Teachable

Visit: Connect with me on Facebook: Learn to Be Adjustable & Teachable You see i had this information that since England allowed Malaysia to be independent, there were 3 generations till now. So the people had time to blend and adjust to the required circumstances. And here is the answer - People were "forced" to become Teachable & Adjustable What that means is that people had an open mind , they tried to adjust in their environment and to teach themselves to communicate and solve their matters peacefully. Visit: On the other hand , 99% of people failing to make money online is because they are NOT Teachable & Adjustable. That means that they are not willing to follow basic guidelines that are proven to work and are not ready to leave their Ego behind. So, they try to "fit" the advices & guidelines to their point of view...without understanding that this will ultimately lead to their certain failure... You just watched, Learn to Be Adjustable & Teachable Visit :

The Proper Tools To Win The Battle

Visit: Connect with me on Facebook: The Proper Tools to Win the Battle Throughout all our life we are going through many battles, daily in every imaginable part of our life, without even understanding it most of the times. We are "fighting"... * to build a great relationship with our loved ones * to maintain and increase our income * to provide a better life to our families * to sustain a good health or fitness level * to obtain and achieve our goals and so many more things... Visit: If you relate with the previous examples, then we have many things in common and you are very close to a new level of success...the only thing that remains for you to do is to TAKE ACTION and improve your results by using the correct tools. If we need to make more money, we are required to invest at the "HOW TO" part of our education and system. If we need to build better relationships, we need to invest to that specific "HOW TO". You just watched, The Proper Tools to Win the Battle Visit :